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Sedna in Gemini


I think you will start to hear more Astrologers talking about this over the coming as the activity ramps up… but I feel it may be pertinent to chat about this now.


Sedna moved into Gemini and is at 0* of Gemini at the time of the Full Moon in Sagittarius.  There's going to be some big changes beyond this full moon with as the Dwarf Planet Sedna is also exact conjunct with Venus at 0* of Gemini, for the first time in 2,000+ years. In fact, it is the first sign move since 1966, and will remain here until 2067.


Sedna is all about big transformation and intuition.  Stepping into our magic. 


To really understand Sedna, first we must understand the Goddess.


Sedna, the Sea Goddess

Sedna, as the legend goes, was a daughter of a famous hunter. She had all she ever wanted and never went without food, but she was of marrying age, and embarrassed her parents by turning down every suitor who came for her.  At their wits end, they arranged a marriage to the Bird Man, someone who promised to be like her father… A hunter, happy, kind etc.


But sadly this wasn’t to be.  Sedna was cold, miserable and hungry.  He had tricked her. When her father found out he came to rescue her by boat, but her husband couldn’t bear the humiliation. He summoned the spirit of the wind to create a storm and make the sea’s treacherous.


Afraid that he was going to die in the storm, Sedna’s father decided that, to save himself, he would throw her from the boat.  But she  was stronger then that and clung to the boat. So her father chopped off her fingers, leaving her to drown…


But drown she didn’t. Her fingers transformed into a Sea Goddess. She made the sea her home, and her fingers transformed into sea creatures.  She is believed by many to still live at the bottom of the ocean, protecting all marine life.


The last time Sedna moved into Gemini there were massive leaps in consciousness.  Just like the myth, the last time that Sedna moved into Gemini, it was the time that humankind (generally speaking) stopped being nomadic, and started to live in houses, farming the land around them.


Sedna in Gemini

Sedna is about doing things because we want to not because you are obliged to… and I feel that we have all been feeling this to some extent over the last few couple of years… I know I have. It has prompted me to be more open about my astrology and trust. Trust in the unknown. Trust in the Divine. Trust in God. Trust.  And I know from my talking with others that I am not alone in this.  Many men and women are also being called to look more into astrology, herbalism. More and more we are being called back to communities.


Sedna is major player at the Full Moon in Sag as it is conjunct to Jupiter (who expands everything), creating what we call a finger of God to the moon, so we will all be transforming over the coming weeks.  Sedna will help us to love ourselves.


What can we expect from Sedna in Gemini?

But what else can we expect from Sedna in Gemini? I feel that there will be massive leaps in technology – Especially where AI is concerned as that is quite the Gemini theme.  Leaps in medical technology, as well as digital currencies.


But I am not concerned by this.  We will change yes, but I also feel that she could bring us back to face to face m

eetings.  The Divine Feminine is so strong with Sedna, that we will grow and flourish in the same way she did. We will tap more into our intuition. We will protect the seas and the land.  We will thrive.


Will there be a backlash against this… quite possibly, in fact most likely. Especially over the remainder of the year as that ties in with Pluto’s retrograde back into Capricorn for one last time.  The powers that be will want to retain the status quo and will do all they can to keep it, but we are already seeing the power of the people that comes from Pluto in Aquarius.  Look at the Block Party on TikTok to see how people are voicing their disapproval in a safe and dignified way.


We are at a pivotal point in humanity. And Sedna will want us to make a stand so we can protect the world and all that we believe in.  She will help us protect our own. She is divine feminine energy.

She will be working with the energies of Pluto over the coming months, while helping us quickly to understand our own value and worth at the Full Moon in Sag. And these energies will grow. As will we.  We will grow. We will understand our value.  We will understand our worth. And we will find out communities, and we will grow.

Sedna in Gemini is expansion. Sedna in Gemini is safety. Sedna in Gemini is protection. It is just up to us to tap into this energy.

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