Soul Circle Live
90 Min Session
Enjoy 90 minutes dedicated solely to you, so you can unwind and relax, clear your mind and get to know you again.
Moon Magic Journal Points
With the light of candles to guide you, you will have time to work through a few journal questions (based on the energies that the universe wants you to understand) so that you gain a greater understanding of yourself, your purpose, and what will make you happy and fulfilled.
Moon Magic Meditation
During the session, you will be taken through a beautiful and relaxing moon meditation, helping you clear your mind and be present.
Mapping the Moon
Tanya will spend time explaining the energies of the cosmos at this time and fill in some blanks for you, helping you to understand why you - or those around you - may be acting in a certain way.
Yoga or Soundbath
Varying from one session to the next, you will experience the joy and relaxation of a gentle yoga session or sound bath in line with the energies of the cosmos.
Ritual Gift
In each session, you will be able to take home a little gift that will help you over the days ahead, and remind you of the teachings that you can implement in your
daily lives.