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The Sagittarius Full Moon Energy!


We have the Sagittarius Full Moon at 21:52 GMT and I’ve got to be honest, looking at this chart right now, it just looks like a very, very beautiful full moon.

This Full Moon is very much working with the energies of the eclipse season and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, because Jupiter actually rules Sagittarius, and it is meeting this Moon in the house of Taurus before it’s final Ho-rah!



Jupiter, the planet of expansion is blowing everything up even more.  Sagittarius is all about freedom, about love, about expansion, about having fun. And I really feel that that's something that we're going to be feeling ourselves quite a lot. Not just that, it is something that we really need to kind of lean into this a lot more.


There's going to be some big changes beyond this full moon with as the Dwarf Planet Sedna is exact conjunct with Venus at 0* of Gemini, for the first time in 2,000+ years. In fact, it is the first sign move since 1966, and will remain here until 2067. But I will put all the details on this in another post.  Sedna is all about big transformation and intuition.  Stepping into your magic.  Sedna is about doing things because you want to not because you are obliged to… and I feel that we have all been feeling this to some extent over the last couple of years. To say this is major is a understatement as Jupiter (who expands everything) is technically conjunct Sedna, creating a finger of God to the moon, so we will all be transforming over the coming weeks.  Sedna will help us to love ourselves.


A Full Moon of Transformation

This death and rebirth of us, and our worth doesn’t stop there. The whole cosmos is conspiring us to step up and believe it. And I say this because there is still an awful lot of Taurus energy, asking us to look at the finer details of details.


This Full Moon will shine it’s bright light on all that doesn’t help us build our strong foundations.  It will highlight what stands in our way of having fun, looking and feeling good.  It could point out all the good (and maybe bad things if you haven’t been listening before) of all those we surround ourselves with. 


I say this because Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury are all in Taurus aspecting Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, who is still in Aquarius and also sextiling the Moon (our deep inner being), to really help us believe our worth…! If you have anything that's at 2-6* in your charts, you may well feel this moon even more.


The Full Moon Sagittarius Energy

It feels so much like we're likely to take leaps forward in in our communities. This really does feel very much like a community based moon.  We will know who we want to surround ourselves with, and it is up to us to find them. It really is going to be just a lovely lovely full moon.


The one thing I would say is, If you have felt constricted in any way, this moon will hightlight this.  if you suddenly feel like you need to escape like you need to book a flight like you're just being constricted The Sag Moon is getting your attention about something.


Listen to what that's telling you because this is the moon shining a light on what you need to change for yourself. I would also suggest trying to stay away from the TV. I think especially just after this moon.  We will want to block out the noise and scaremongering so if you can, dial down on the news or turn it off completely.   Remember scary headlines sell papers, but also bring your vibe down.  We want our vibe to remain high so turn it off.


Really focus on yourself and how you can make yourself just feel big and expansive and happy. Get out into nature and ground into the earth, especially with the all the earthy Taurian support that there is.


And this is the energy that we really need to stick in. This is what we've been called to do at this time.


Remember, we can literally do whatever we want to do if we believe in ourselves.


Journal Points

So ultimately, if you could do anything… and I am asking anything as this is major ✨ Go Big energy at this moon, what would it be?

✨What do you need to release in order for you to really project forward?

✨What has this moon been showing you that you need to build a bridge and get over so that you can leap ahead and truly advance in ways that we just can't fathom?


Because as soon as Jupiter moves into Gemini, which is going to be happening it few days later, things are going to be changing. Sedna will kick in completely.


Jupiter is not overly comfortable in Gemini. So we need to be aware that we're just going to be hearing lots of little bits of information. And these are going to be fed through to us. And that's not what we want to hear.


We want to hear exactly what's happening, how it's happening, why it's happening. So don't believe all that you hear because you'll be making up loads of stuff in your own head.


And if you find yourself spiraling a little in the weeks after this moon, just come back to this moon.


Remember to center.


Remember to really trust yourself and just keep focusing on this moon and how much fun you can have who you want to be with just can nail it.


Because we can be whatever and whoever we want to be. And this is what this moon is showing you! Do the ick. Find your soul tribe.  If you are here for love, they will help you find your true love. Surround yourself with those that inspire and help drive you forward.  Remember all those that have your back, and don’t be afraid to move away from those that don’t. 


You have got this.  Your dreams have been given to you for a reason.  Do it!


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