The Lionsgate portal is a time that occurs each year for a period of a month, where the pyramids in Giza, Egypt line up with the stars of the constellation of Leo. What's interesting about this is it always happens on the 8th August every year (the number of the infinity and unlimited possibilities). It is a time when the energies of the cosmos are increased here on earth. Fellow mystics and astrologers have long heralded this time as a time when the pyramids act as an antenna, to raise the vibration of the ground that we walk on. While I am not at liberty to be able to comment on the scientific nature of this phenomenon, scientists are certainly waking up to the fact that the earth vibration is changing.
I should now point out that the astrological line up is not exact at this time… This has only happened once in the last, I think, 1,000 odd years, BUT this exact lineup occurred only three years ago in 2021, so the potent energies, are still considered to be highly active at this time.
The History of the Lionsgate Portal
The Lionsgate Portal marks a time of rebirth and abundance. Historically, it was the day of the floods, and marked the day when the Nile flooded Egypt, bringing much needed water to water the crops after the long dry summer.  This in turn bought abundance to the region for the winter months, fertilizing and watering the earth for food, livestock and human consumption.
And that's what's exciting about this time. It opens up this mystical, magical period where we can set our intentions and really focus on what we want and who we want to be. It is a time for us to raise our own vibrations, and be happy. Be loud. Rejoyce. Manifest. Â
It is a time where we should use the energies that reverberate all around the world to bring us the abundance. It is a time to set our intentions. It is a time to dream big. If the Egyptians could build the pyramids to work with the stars or their abundance, can you imagine what we can achieve if we had the believe to do the same!