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Unleash Your Wild Woman with the Leo New Moon!


It's the time of the Leo New Moon and this one is coming in strong!

This New Moon in Leo is sandwiched in between two super full moons which have/will be happening in August. It is here to bring together all that you have learned since the beginning of June, and will be clearing the way for you to reach your full future potential - Whether you are ready or not!

This Leo New Moon feels rather fated as it is engaging the North and South Nodes (again), and with Uranus, the planet of change and chaos in the mix, big things could be happening in your lives. But fear not! while this can feel very challenging right now, everything that is being undone is creating space so you can build us a firm, secure foundation for our future.

The Earth Grand Trine & the Leo New Moon

In the cosmos above us, Pluto (planet of death and rebirth), Uranus (planet of change and chaos) and Mars (the planet of action) are forming a triangle in the sky - all in Earth signs at the time of the Leo New Moon.

This beautiful aspect may feel jarring right now, as they show us that major change is imminent, either at a collective or a personal level but they want us to learn from this experience. They will provide the building blocks for you to be the you of your dreams. They want us to grow. They want us to become who we are destined to be.

Unleash the Wild Woman

At the time of the New Moon in Leo, Black Moon Lilith (who is not a planet but a point in space) is conjunct with the Moon and the Sun, while Uranus, is forming a hard aspect. Black Moon Lilith and Uranus both are calling for the same thing. They want us to ROAR!

The change maker Uranus loves to shock. He has little patience and is rather fed up with how we have ignored any of the lessons, repeating the same mistakes time and time again. Black Moon Lilith is pure feminine power and a protector of the underdog. She wants us to fight for what we believe and she doesn't want us to settle.

She wants us to heal, to heal the wounds in our hearts so we can only expect the best. She knows your worth and she wants you to know it too. Working with Uranus, she is asking us to awaken a point in our hearts that we may have closed the door on a long time ago. Together they want us to rise. Together they want us to be the wild women we have been in the past. They want us to reclaim our warrior instinct. They want us to be free.

This moon is very much about our destiny.

The Work to Do

Under this Leo New Moon, notice where you don’t trust yourself. Notice where you shrink and hide in the dark. Notice where you haven’t been fully expressing yourself and shining like you have been meant to.

Get honest with yourself about what it is that you truly desire. Ask yourself what part of your life isn't aligned with your heart's desire.

But most of all, don't be afraid. Trust. Trust that this is happening for us and not to us. The Moon will always have your back... If you allow it.

Now is the time to reclaim ourselves. Now is the time to heal. Now is the time to stand up for all we believe in. Now is the time to roar!

And don't forget... you aren't in this alone.

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