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The New Moon in Leo


The Leo New Moon is happening on the fourth of August, at 1112, GMT, and it is here to remind us to ROAR!


Leo the New Moon Lion
Leo New Moon - Our time to roar

This Moon is falling hot on the heels of the two Capricorn New Moons, which have really showed us how we have everything that we need to let go of whether we wanted it or not, while the draining Cancer New Moon, highlighted the way as to how we can let go and face up to our fears.


But these energies have been flowing together as we approach the Leo New Moon as the universe has been activating Chiron to highlight our deepest, darkest feelings.  Chiron has been showing us who we have always wanted to be deep down, and where we are not honouring this. Chiron is the wounded healer for zodiac, and it's really there, showing us where we're not showing up to be a part and what is actually getting in our way, and where we feel it is getting in our way. Chiron has really been highlighting this, and especially the closer we have got to this Leo New Moon, the more we will be seeing.


The Leo New Moon

And that this Moon is really asking us to do at this time is to promise ourselves a fresh start, to really see this fresh start and to really feel into it.. and it is very likely that we will feel this optimistic Moon.


The Sun, Moon, as always, are conjunct in Leo at 12 degrees, and they are hitting everywhere in the zodiac. If you've got anything at about 12, at about 10 to 14 degrees, you're going to be feeling this Moon strongest. But what's good about this Moon is it's making a lovely sextile to both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. What this says to me is that we will be able to really understand and be able to vocalize exactly what it is that we want to bring into our lives, and exactly what it is that we need to be doing to bring it into our lives!


This is a beautiful fresh start, as we also have Pluto trine Neptune, our intuition is going to be on point really leading us just to feel exactly what it is that we need to be doing to be able to activate this fresh start further. Furthermore, Neptune is still trine Uranus, and therefore really helping us even more so to change things


There is such a strong feeling of newness to this chart that we can be grounded if we really get ourselves to feel that grounding. But the fact that the Sun and the Moon are in Leo, which is causing us to want to shine as the deepest darkest part of us wants to.


The Astrology

We also have such a strong connection with both Mars and Jupiter. Mars is the plant of action. Jupiter is the plant of abundance, and they're really urging us to dig down, dig deep.


We do have some square energy. And what you might you might hear something that doesn't sit well.  This could come through as a feeling of doubt, a niggle that you can’t achieve something, a fear to start something at this time, so get really get close to this, and this is because we have Mercury and Venus conjunct each other.


Mercury Venus Conjunction

Mercury is in Virgo at this time, and Venus is at 29 degrees. So the anorectic degree of Leo, and the fact that they are square Mars, something might you might hear, something which might prompt an action, which might not sit comfortably.


This is a time when something might come out to the woodwork, some finer detail, which might have been previously overlooked, but don't worry about it. What's good about this is because we have our intuition on point. With Neptune sending beautiful rays, it's really just helping us to really figure out what it is that we want to do and help us actually do it.


Another Square…

We do also have a square at this time with Saturn and Jupiter. Now, a square is normally a challenging aspect (think the term squaring up), but when Jupiter is involved, anything goes.  Jupiter the planet of abundance will blow anything up so it’s bigger.  Saturn is the taskmaster. He's here to teach his lessons for our evolution. Lessons that will take us to the heights we dream of. 


Saturn and Jupiter working together in any aspect screams to me of growth. They are working to help us build the space we can move into. We will see exactly what needs to be done. We will hear exactly what needs to be done.


This New Moon is really here to build upon all these major energies of transformation that we've had over the past six months and really propel us forward. It is a time to be bold like a lion. It is a time to claim our dreams. And working with the Lionsgate Portal (click here for more info), it is one of the best Moons this year to manifest.


This Moon is here to help us visualize the path ahead. We're going to know the path, but more importantly, it will give us the confidence where we're going to want to walk that path. This Leo New Moon is here to make us the king of the jungle.  It is here to make us ROAR… So the question remains… just how fucking loud are you going to be?





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