Well, what can I say about this new moon full moon even? This moon is going to be big!
This is a transformation powerhouse of a Full Moon, and the energies of the past couple of weeks from the New Moon in Aquarius showing us where we want to be, to the Saturn and Mercury came together last Wednesday, highlighting the lessons the universe wants us, this Full Moon in Virgo is illuminating all that we need to learn and need to let go of, so we can move ahead and realize our realize our dreams.
While it feels like some things are finishing for you (full Moons are all about finishing things), you will be able to feel what is available to you now you have / are making the space for something else. Look to anything you started last September at the Virgo New Moon to see what this may be.
The reason I say this is actually the chart is very very simple when you strip it back to the main astrological aspects. In fact, it’s been a while since I’ve seen an astrological chart that looks as simple as this one does. But let's start with Jupiter.
Here Jupiter is massively blowing up this chart. Jupiter, the planets of abundance, is in Taurus at 24° and is squaring with Mars (the planet of action) at 8° in Aquarius and Venus (the planet of love and self worth) at 8°, which kind of feels to me as though you could have some realisations about those that you are in relationships with, and what they bring you on an emotional basis, by this I mean you could be that you realize you give, and little in return. Or that you feel stifled, or even that you don’t give enough… It is all about how you turn up, and what you give to your community.
The Full Moon
This moon is going to be incredibly important at this time as it is the Full Moon. Not only is this a letting go moon (as all Full Moons are), but this is the also the last Moon of the Astrological year. A time of release before the start of Spring. As the personal planets remain in Aquarius, it is really highlighting the community aspect your friends, the people around you, but not just in a physical world also in a online world as well we’re going to be feeling it all over. What’s also interesting is the Moon is sat on it's own on one side of the chart, while all the planets are opposite the moon so it will likely feel personal. This is especially present as the Sun is in watery and emotional Pisces, and also have the Sun conjunct Mercury, telling me that you will receive insights and downloads by way of sudden light bulb moments about the way we show up in the world.
But the Sun is also conjunct Saturn, who will be helping the sun shine a light on all the lessons the cosmos want us to learn at this time. All three planets sat together, highlighting where we allow ourselves to get in the way of all that we want. It is highlighting the detail of what we need to let go of, so we can achieve our dreams.
This is a massive, massive moon taking us into really lovely Sunday, and as Saturn has been so prolific the past few weeks, you could well find that you are really getting to understand the lessons that they are trying to make you understand… In fact, if you look back to Wednesday, you may well have had an, “Ah,Ha!” moment, surrounding what you feel, what you are a capable of, your worth and/or your communities. What sudden flashes of insight did you suddenly come up with on Wednesday that made you think, “Shit, I meant to be doing this!” Or, “Shit, this is where I’ve gone wrong in the past!” Or even, “Shit, why did I do that?”
It is All About Learning the Lessons
The reason I single this out is that next Wednesday, both Saturn AND Mercury were both exact conjunct with the Sun at this time, forming what we astrologers call a cazimi, so highlighting by way of downloads and intuitive information, what you need to know. It is a day to commit! To take a pledge. To make that promise that you will do something. It started the week before the moon, highlighting something that we can do and giving us the confidence and the knowledge to do it.
And with these energies lingering on over this moon, it is likely that you have been feeling them play on further… Especially as Chiron, the wounded healer is conjunct the North Node in Aries, showing us where we need to heal so we can move forward on our souls path.
It’s so important to keep your vibe high at this time because this is a lovely, lovely moon, which is really going to help us course correct. Even more importantly we should be working with the with the energies of this moon, as it will be working with the Eclipse season that is coming next month. Therefore, the more we release now, the more we do that work do on our shadows, the easier the eclipses that’s coming at the end of March in April (covering most of April), will be.
The Retrogrades
I will talk about this more closer to the time, but basically a planet retrograde will course correct you if you haven’t been working on and doing the work that you So if you are already doing the work, the retrograde planet won’t have you such a big impact on you personally. Yes, with Mercury retrogrades you can expect things like tech malfunctions and travel problems, but on a personal level, if you are putting in the work, you won’t feel it completely rock your boat… and this moon, is really trying to get our attention, really trying to tell us what it is that we need to be doing and it feel every much as though we need to be stepping up to help our communities, and helping serve those around us.
It really does feel like that to me, the more we work with these energies, the better that eclipses are going to be for all of us. I would suggest keeping an eye out at this time for opportunities that are coming out for us because there will be some. There is no shadow of a doubt for me in this, but there will be some as Jupiter is shining such a beautifuo light across this chart.
This golden aspect between Jupiter and the Moon, as well as Jupiter and the Sun and Saturn, is highlighting just how good it’s going to be. I mean February has been a lot, but over the course of this week what I feel if we’ve been listening to ourselves and listening to our intuition, what we realized is that we can really be the people that we want to be and Saturn has really showed us where we have gone wrong and the lessons that we need to listen to.
We now need to really take the time to figure out what those lessons are because this is a life-changing moon that wants you to see what could be out there for you if you didn’t let yourself get in your way.
Have a look at your birth chart and anything that falls between zero and 5° of any sign as the moon is going to be highlighting these planets and houses for you at this time. It is really helping us lay those beautiful foundations get a feel for what we want to do and how we want to do it. Virgo is all about the details so you probably will be feeling in to this a lot, as to what that detail is and the steps that you need to take so that you can do all you need to do - whether it’s forgiving yourself past actions that you’ve done in the past, or whether it’s an actual physical step of, “This is what I need to do in order for me to achieve my dream of XYZ”, that first step will become prevalent at this time, so take the time out to sit take the time out to listen take the time out to just be.
This is a beautiful Full Moon leading into beautiful beautiful Sunday… the best day of February so make the most of this Moon. Make the most of everything that is coming your way because this moon really does feel like everything that is coming your way. It feels like there are just a few lessons to understand so you can make the most of the opportunities that are coming in… at the right time.
Time for Action
This Moon feels like your dreams will come true if you do make that little bit of effort. And that’s what Mars in Aquarius is asking of us. Mars in Aquarius is asking us to not give up. It is asking us to put in the effort to really get to where we want to be, because we can fucking nail this. We can absolutely do this. We just have to believe in ourselves first.
And this is what this moon is telling us. This moon is telling us to believe in ourselves... You know where you’ve gone wrong now. You know what you need to do to move forward. Now move forward in the belief and do it. Jupiter is giving you that abundance of self confidence and self belief to go ahead and do it.
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