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The Astro Energy for the Week Ahead


Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Thank goodness that the first part of the week has been quiet – From an Astro Energy perspective anyway! We literally only just come out of the new moon solar eclipse, which many of you still may have been processing. Then on the 16th, the moon moved into Scorpio so, your intuition would have been on fire! Did you see through any situations or areas of your life, that had previously been hidden or obscured from your view? I know we have now passed from these days, but think back while you can to any feelings or angst you experienced. What triggered them? What was the result of those feelings. Dig into them this week while they are still fresh.

Then today, Wednesday 18th through to the 19th, the moon moves into Sagittarius, sparking your interest to travel. With Mars in Scorpio, you could use these energies to dig deep into ways that you looking to increase your standing either at work or in your personal life to fulfil you in an area that you know will benefit you, and you could even feel fired up enough to start to actually take steps towards that, either by study or taking action elsewhere to highlight the way. If you are studying anything definitely penciling those two days for doing some study work. Otherwise use these days to listen to your intuition to see the path before you. On the 19th we have the Mercury Cazimi! Take time to get still and listen to your intuition... It is a brilliant day for deep insights and messages. If people are offering you advice, make sure you listen to you!

As Black Moon Lillith, who wants us to be us and stand up for ourselves, is opposing Saturn, secrets could come to light, either about your circle or from yourselves – Things that you may have hidden and kept in the dark – even to yourself, so go gently today where you can, but these energies lighten up on Saturday.


On Saturday the 21st we have a beautiful, beautiful trine between Mars, in Scorpio, Jupiter the planet of abundance luck and goodwill and all of those lovely beautiful things which is in Taurus, connecting well with the moon which is will to be in Capricorn. This is really good day if you have something that you want to launch, or take action on something. Work wise if you have something that you want to shout out about do it today… Let the world know your good news! I would suggest that this is probably one of the best days over the Eclipse and beyond to really manifest.

In fact, looking back over the week, it might actually be an idea, you want to launch, or you may feel the urge to start a passion project, then definitely start to plan it today and speak about it on Saturday.

All of those things that came up this week and over the last weekend, especially if it's giving someone bad news, or kind of moving on from the bad news, earmark Saturday to do something great that will help you, this is a really beautiful day for you to be able to do that.

It is a little frustrating that this aspect is happening on a Saturday. So for us over here in the UK that can make things a little bit challenging work wise, but there's always social media that you can go out on to talk about it and don't forget the last New Moon was very much about community and who you have in your inner circle. So again, this would be a lovely day for you to catch up with those in your inner circle and spend that time with them. And just make it your day.

You will still be feeling the benefits of that on throughout most of Sunday as well, so use this to play on it a little bit more. This weekend take time to have a really good weekend as next week is deep energy.

While this time waxing moon is very much about manifesting, as we are in the midst of eclipse season, so it is likely to carry a feeling of release. Eclipses are here to move us on to our real path and this eclipse season is showing us where we need to move on from so that we can live our dreams.


Eclipses will always happen over our North or South Node which is a point in the cosmos. This last eclipse started on our South Node in Libra indicating where we have been stuck in our comfort zone with regards to partnerships of all kinds. You might find that you have had to give up things, people or situations that you may not have been ready to, and may feel that you will likely to continue to be forced to give up a lot more over the coming weeks as a result of what has happened, in order for you to move on. It may feel difficult and dark, but I promise, that there will be a time in the future, that future you will thank the you who is currently experiencing this, as without it, you will never learn to live your biggest, brightest life.

I say this from experience. I have always known not to sign contracts during a Mercury Retrograde. In fact, I can recall talking about this with friends when I was in college, and managed to live by it until I was 28. At 25 I ignored the advice I had always given and, persuaded by a huge salary signed quickly on the dotted line. Fast forward nearly a year, and just before Christmas, I was made redundant. It was a massive shock and completely out of the blue, and if the truth be told, it took me years to be able to think about without the knot of anxiety forming in my belly.

But if I hadn't gone through that I wouldn’t have met my husband as when I did I was meant to be away on a conference. I wouldn't have ended up going on to live in Dubai or elsewhere and get my dream job as a Journalist and Editor. I wouldn’t have had my kids who are now my everything. And equally, I wouldn’t be doing this… So there's a lot behind the eclipses that when you look back in hindsight, it turn to this amazing, earth shattering, transformational thing. But that's what it's pushing you towards is pushing you towards all these greater amazing experiences which are more you more authentic.

While some people have really felt this eclipse, and yet it may have rolled past others. That's because they have been working with the energies of the Moon over the past few months to learn trust, listen to their intuition and work towards being their authentic self. Right now, if you get still and listen, you too could well be feeling Mars and that energizing electricity you need to actually push more on that authentic self.

Eclipses are chaotic and yet at the same time, they are transformational and this season is just that.

And I think you'll really feel it this Saturday. You'll see even if you're going through a challenging time where your life feels like it's turned upside down, you could still have a good weekend where you can feel Jupiter’s golden rays beaming down to calm your nerves.


And remember this feeling as on Sunday, as due to the Sun in the earth sign of Libra squaring up to the Moon in Capricorn (also an Earth sign) who is sat on top of Pluto, and Jupiter in Taurus opposing Mercury who is still in Scorpio, we could feel a little insecure and ungrounded.

Monday & Tuesdau

Monday 23rd has some hard aspects occurring between the Moon, Jupiter and Mercury. This tense T square suggests some volatility, so try to drown out the noise and focus on what you can control and not what you are hearing from the outside. Truths could come out about Banks or Governments which could feel unsettling. It wouldn’t surprise me if we see volatility in the financial markets – and bitcoin. Looking ahead to Tuesday 25th, these transits continue. The fact that they also have Saturn aspecting the South Node intimates that lessons are being learned on a global scale that push us all out of our comfort zone.

I would suggest, that if you are feeling challenged or anxious by these energies – as they are all big, then read our post on how you can work with these energies. Also, get out in nature. Feel the grass beneath your feet and breathe slowly and deeply to raise your vibe. This time will pass, and your trust in the future will help you get through any challenges you may be feeling at this time.

And I know just how challenging it is at the moment for a lot of people from you are telling me. It feels very much like this eclipse is finishing what Venus started when it went retrograde. If this is you, my heart goes out to you because it's never easy. Mourning people or situations that are leaving your life is never easy, and it’s made all the more challenging when you don’t feel you have the control over it yourself. But you will eventually look back on this time and see how it's made you stronger. You will look back on this time and see how it's made you understand your worth (another big theme of this eclipse). You will look back on this time and see how who you really are and how stuck you have been. The universe wants you to live your dream life. It gives you these dreams for a reason!

As those in my Moon Mentor Membership will know, this is the goddess era. So let’s rise as the Goddesses we are and claim it!

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