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The 1st Full Moon in Capricorn


The Full Moon in Capricorn, is happening on 22nd of June, 2024 at 1:07am GMT.


This Full Moon is a very important Full Moon as it not only follows on very quickly from the summer solstice, but it is also the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn in the next month.


The Full Moon in Capricorn is following the Gemini New Moon which asked you to drown out the noise so you can focus on you and, with the help of you the Full Moon in Capricorn, you can really transform.  And THIS is what the Full Moon in Capricorn is all about.  The Strawberry Moon signifies a major start, a major transformation. What's really good about this is, we will be shown exactly what we need to release this Full Moon so we can live our best lives.  It is asking us to acknowledge and release everything that holds us back, and it will show us everything that holds us back we have.


The Astrology of the Full Moon in Capricorn

As with every Full Moon we have, the Moon which is opposing The Sun, but for me, what signifies the greatness of this is the fact that this Moon is at one degree of Capricorn… With another Full Moon in Capricorn, this time at 29*, happening one month later.


This just the very start of a transformation process. This Moon opposing the the Sun is going to really illuminate everything that is not in our interests, where we give without receipt, where we are taken for granted, where we are not free to be ourselves. The Sun, at the critical (one) degree of Cancer, again, that signifies the a big start to this kind of purge that we will all be going through. But it is also conjunct both Venus and Mercury in Cancer. This says to me that if we get still and quiet, we will be able to see and envision how we need to present to the world what we want to present to the world, as well as what we can actually do, to do this.


With Venus and Mercury conjunct the Sun, it's really, really good time, to lean into your meditation practice and learn ways to get still, or take time to start a more ridged journalling practice.


Venus & Mercury Conjunct the Sun

It's a really, really good time for us to get still and really listen. That's going to be very, very important at this Moon. We need to listen with feeling – let the feeling wash over us, as Cancer is about feeling. We really need to feel our way around this. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, emulates your masculine, and the lessons you have learnt.  In contrast, ruled by the Moon, Cancer is the feminine.  This Moon wants us to understand and learn this juggle, by balancing the lessons that we have learnt, with our feelings.  It wants us to navigate the watery depths of our emotions with a plan so we can see our see the next steps.


So be aware over these next couple of days of what is being brought up, so that we can actually do it. We also have a sextile at this Moon, which is why I'm not overly worried (sextiles bring good energy), but there is some challenging square energy. Now I'll talk first about the square.


Balance intuition and logic

First off, we have Neptune at 29* of Pisces, which is square both the Moon and the Sun and all the planets which are conjunct the Sun. Now what this means is our intuition may or may not be the most reliable at times, we may or may not be able to really accept what's happening and actually understand it; which is why the fact that the Moon at one degree of Capricorn is really helping us, because it's helping us to think logically.


The good news is again, the cosmos is conspiring in our favour as, now that Mercury has moved into Cancer, we can actually see a lot more clearly – In Gemini Mercury wasn’t happy and you likely felt that through feeling scattered. We all felt scattered and a bit confused. But now that it's moving into Cancer, we can start to think straight, and this Moon is really going to help that.


At the same time, we've also got a sextile between Mars and Mercury, which is very much showing me that if we can ground down, take that time (Mars is currently in Taurus which is going to slow us down whether we want to or not), we will be able to see, hear and do exactly what we need to, so that we can plot these next steps.


Pluto is here to make changes

Pluto remains active as there is a trine between Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. So it's possible that the realizations or shocks that we have might not be the most comfortable. Things may be taken out of your control. If this is resonates with you, just go with it.  Fighting any pluto transit could send you spiralling.  Pluto is only bringing you situations that it knows you can deal with, so that you can live your dreams – even if that means starting over on something.  Starting over fresh, means you have the space to grow, but with Capricorn energies, you can now choose how and where you want to grow so you.  You can choose you!


Over the next month, something we will be doing, or something is going to happen that will force us to deal with situations or people that just aren’t working for us.  It will have us use our voices to clearly explain this.  But the pause on this may continue…


I say this as looking beyond this Full Moon in Capricorn communications could be a sticking point, the fact that Pluto is retrograding at one degree of Aquarius says to me we could have problems with things like social media or whatsapp, so be mindful of any electronic communications at this time.  Be careful of what you say – once it is out there you can’t take it back! As a collective we may feel that we may not be able to converse with others as we would like, and this feeling of momentary restriction could well give way to a big pause.  A time to go inward, leading us nicely to the Neptune/Saturn Retrograde (but more on that in a moment).


Pluto and Uranus are asking us to expect the unexpected over the coming weeks, but remain in our power by being true to ourselves and what we want. So we just need to be mindful about as we move from June and into July as what is starting at this Moon will be felt again if we don’t start to work with it, more keenly at the following Moon, and whilst I'm not here to talk about the following New Moon or Full Moon, which will be happening, the one thing I do want to mention is that later on in as we move throughout the month, both Saturn and Neptune turn retrograde.

Saturn and Neptune turn retrograde

Now the beautiful thing about  both Saturn and Neptune retrograding is they are joining together to really give us some breathing space so that we can look back at the lessons that we've learned over the last 6 months – and if you have been working with me, you will know that I have taken you back to look at the lessons you have learnt over the last few years at times to reinforce these now.


So really take this time at the moment to think back to what happened in at the beginning of the year;

🌟 What seeds did you plant then that you wanted to bring into your life?

🌟 What you really wanted to manifest?

🌟 Are they still the same now?

🌟 Do you really want to continue with those?


The one thing to be aware of, as I say throughout all New and Full Moons, is that this Full Moon is very much about releasing so that we can bring in the abundance so and the fact that this is a double Capricorn Moon is very much showing me it's that we need to be thinking over the next six months to Capricorn season.


🌟 What do we really want to call in then and but what do we need to release now?


If you can get the time during the solstice to build a vision board, just some things that really jump out at you. You'll be amazed when you look back at it, especially at the end of the year, how much you bought into your life.


This is a really, really good time for visualizing as we lead up to this Moon, so we can really get clear and help us to see what exactly what it is that we want. We are moving into a period of more profound squares over the coming six months, which while challenging (squares bring challenges), they are all good as they are here to remind of our power, of our resilience and what we want.


We just need to remember that this is so much for a higher good and to really ground down where we can get out, put your feet on the ground, especially with Mars in Taurus. Over this next month, it's going to be very important for us to really feel the earth and take a time just to breathe. Mars in Taurus is going to probably get a little bit frustrated there. So just remember, you're just feeling what the planets are trying to show you, what is that feeling of frustration really trying to show you what area of your life is it highlighting?


This is a really exciting time for us to transform. The energies have been building to this. The universe wants us to take our place in communities, to know ourselves, what we believe in and the lives we want to lead. 

The universe wants us to be these people, to give us our dreams... But first it is showing us that we can’t expand into the areas we want to, without first making the room to do so. The planets are coming together to do this so we know we can do this. We can live our dreams, and we are worthy to live our dreams. Now we start to expand.

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