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Pisces New Moon


Got to love a Pisces Moon. If anything can make you feel, it is a dark moon in Pisces!


This is the final moon of the zodiac, a great time for releasing and setting intentions.  This New Moon in Pisces is quite the ending/beginning! Now the thing with Pisces is it's very emotional… very emotional and very, very intuitive. And this Moon is no exception, expect to really really really feel the feels at this moon. Remember you are not alone.  The people in my circles have all reported feelings of confusion, of not wanting to be where they feel they should be, of feeling stuck. Melancholy feelings have turned to frustration and in turn, turned to sadness. 


If this resonates, dig deep into this.  Keep your vibe high by looking back to last August September, and reflect on all that you have learnt at this time.  Review the intentions you set then. 


Journal Questions

🌟What have you achieved that you said you would?

🌟What has fallen by the wayside?

🌟Do these still resonate with you?

🌟If they don’t, why don’t they?

🌟Conversely, if they do, what stopped you achieving them?

🌟What can you do now to move towards all that you want to achieve?


While this moon feels quite a dark moon but it's not it's just really helping us. It asking us to get into line to see what we want, and how we want to do it, and in the lead up to the moon, if we get honest with ourselves, we've probably been shown where we are holding ourselves back.  In the lead up to this moon, we have probably been shown what we need to let go of, so we can move forward aligned.


Release to Manifest

This is a New Moon of release in order to manifest.  I say this because this is the last new moon in the astrological year, so it's asking us to review all that came before and get over it.


But the cosmos is giving us a huge helping hand. It wants us to release all the baggage that we could otherwise bring into the new astrological year.  The cosmos is wanting us to learn to trust it.  Learn to trust spirit, the universe, God or whatever you want to call it.  The universe is saying that we can have all that we desire, at the right time, so we can truly appreciate all that we have been given…


So now is the time to release forcing the issue.  Now is the time for us to learn to go on in flow.  Now is the time to trust in divine timing.


And I say that we are being helped to do so at this time as Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces is conjunct both the Sun and the Moon in Pisces.  Neptune, the planet of intuition, will help us see all that is holding us back, shining light on the dark side of ourselves.  So pay attention to your inner voice, and your dreams, you can learn a lot if you take the time to get still and listen.  This is extra important, as Mercury, the planet of communication has stepped up to assist, chatting in conjunction with Neptune, to help make our intuition louder and more unmissable then ever.


What the Astrology is Saying

And then there is also the Sun Sextile Saturn.  This aspect wants us to understand how we hold ourselves back from shining as the people we are meant to be.  Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons could well be calling us to see set our own personal boundaries on the back of the lessons that we are being shown.


All while Uranus, the planet of change, is squaring up to Mars, calling us to make the changes so that we can be the people dream to be.


So, you can see that this moon is about both releasing and manifesting.  The universe wants us to ask ourselves, What do you want to manifest into your life? Who is that person that you want to be?


You probably have a couple of insights already. In fact, I'm actually writing this at the beginning of the week and on Wednesday, Neptune's very, very involved and very active showing us what we need to release but also helping us realize the things the people the places, the spirit guides that we can really use to help us to move forward with this. So remember that at this new moon because it's those are the things, and they are the people, and those are the places, that are really going to help us move forward on this journey we know intrinsically that we need to undertake.


For more highlights as to what will really help you at this moon, and if you still struggle to trust your intuition, and above and beyond all that I have said above, look to where 20 degrees in Pisces is in your birth chart.  This will tell you what area of your life is being most effected, and give you insight as to what to set intentions around so you can help manifest all that you want in life.  For example, using the whole sign system (I would read charts using a placidus system for individual readings) Capricorns would find Pisces in the third house of communication, therefore communication will move them forward, whereas Sagittarius would find the 4th house of Home, children lit up, so maybe a home move, renovation or just a massive decluttering will be calling… This will change depending on your own specific birth chart.


This New Moon ultimately is about who do we really want to be, how can we see ourselves being and reaffirming that. It's a great Moon for setting our intentions and is working with the eclipse season which is going to be happening next month. For more information on how to deal with eclipses because they can be quite jarring read the blog post here, and this one is definitely going to be the nicest of the two eclipses this year.


This moon is highlighting us to trust our intuition. Trust in divine timing as everything will come, we just need to remember to trust and also not force it. I mean, who wants to be that person who sits there and micromanages everything because believe me, being micromanaged is not a nice place to be, so just work with it. We still have Pluto at one degree of Aquarius who is signaling that this is a perfect time to trust your intuition and allow it to guide you and really stopped working with it, and encouraging us to understand who we can be if we dream big. It is also helping us understand that if we learn this now it's going to make the rest of this year an awful lot easier. This is very much a time about who we're showing up for as a collective destiny. Pluto one degrees is currently sat on the collective MC which is all about who how we show up in the world and this really wants us the fact it's in Aquarius. This really wants us to be working for the greater good. And this is what this moon is showing us. It's showing us, that whatever we do, it's for the greater good and we need to believe in ourselves. We need to trust we need to work with this moon. Everything that we want will come to us if we work with this moon and trust it.


This a beautiful New Moon that is imploring us to succeed. The whole universe is literally conspiring with us at this moon so we can become the person of our dreams.  It is just up to us to be clear on whom that person is!

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