It's the New Moon Solar Eclipse is on April 8th in Aries at 1918 BST. Eclipses happen when the full and new moon is on the nodal axis… and on this occasion it is happening on the North Node of Aries.
The last Full Moon lunar eclipse was on the Libra axis which was asking us to release everything that stopped us work working for the greater good, and how we could work more as a joint effort for humanity. Now, as it is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries and the moon is asking us to take it one step further. Aries is “I Am” energy. It is wanting us to look at what all that stands in our way that we need to heal on an individual basis.
The eclipse in Aries is wanting us to heal our wounds
I say this because the Sun and the Moon are conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer of the cosmos. This conjunction says to me that we could be feeling a lot a lot of old wounds, and it might be quite a testing challenging time for many as we will be in our heads a lot at this moon. In fact, what is interesting about time is the fact that if we go back to 2005, we can see what could be coming up. And further more, if we look over the past few days, the patterns emerging could be quite surprising. If you can go back that far and have some memories or even a diary, from then you might be able to feel into what those feelings that are really asking you to get rid of once and for all so that you can actually step up and be the person that you want to be.
Over the past few days, you might have had instances where people who were around you at that time suddenly reappear in your life somehow (social media, physically or any other way) invoking feelings from that time reappearing now that make you feel less then in some way. Feel into this.
These feelings may hardly register or could it be overwhelming, either way, Mercury is still retrograde at this eclipse. So be mindful of how you're speaking to yourself. And when you do catch yourself going into these dark places, do the work on it whilst you can this is very much what Mercury retrograde is asking you to do. It's very much about introspection. It's very much reveal, rewind, report rework. Mercury Retrograde is asking us to move on from that energy as it will consciously or subconsciously be holding us back if we don’t.
What the other planets are saying
Virtually all of the planets are in Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini. What this says to me is that this is very much about our partnerships across both work and every day life. It is asking us what do we aspire to? What path should we be taking? And if we aren’t on it, we may well find ourselves being moved in that direction… If we have previously done the work and are clear in what we want, then this transit should be more comfortable, but for many, we could be blindsided as we are moved onto a path we don’t necessarily feel ready to.
And while this can be challenging This is an amazing, amazing transformative Eclipse moon, and this is really going to impact all of the cardinal signs. So if you're Aries, cancer, Libra or Capricorn you will feel it most keenly.
Who else will feel this moon?
Other people who will feel this moon more greatly are those who have anything at 19 degrees of any of the signs. You will also be impacted by this moon, so if you have planet you have at that point that would indicate what area is likely to impacted and by what event. The planet tells you what type of impact it's going to be in that will be an indication as to what could be coming up for you at this time. But just go with the flow. The more control over these changes you attempt to exert, the harder you will feel the transit.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is such an exciting, transformative time. We just need to remember that this is a transit it will pass. If you are one of the many that is feeling it as being dark and quite heavy, it's so much for the greater good and soon we will be able to start acting on it and that's the exciting thing!