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New Moon in Capricorn


How good are the vibes right now as we speak? You probably already felt how good it is over the last couple of days, a lot more positive, and we can thank the Sag Moon for this, as well as Jupiter shining it’s beautiful golden rays to the moon.


But this week, the BIG news is the new moon the New Moon in Capricorn, on the 11th January at 11:57am… and it's probably going to be one of the most powerful of this year. I mean, this whole year is lovely. This year is going to be a transformational year, and it's really going to enable us to really move forward.


Both the Sun and Moon are in Capricorn. That's why it's a new moon because the Sun is conjunct the moon.  The moon is between the earth and the Sun, so it blocks out all of the light of the Moon.


The Moon is also at right at that top of that ongoing T square that we've been in all of last year, and we really really felt it around March/April last year.


Capricorn New Moon

Around that time, if you recall, we were really feeling an energy pulling us to understand our purpose, our collective destiny, and really start something new but it was just the figuring out the ‘what’. Well if you haven’t made too much headway in this, the fact that the moon is going to be wide conjunct Pluto (the planet of death and rebirth) in Capricorn, really feel like it is going to show us what we haven’t seen before.  It’s trine Uranus in Taurus so it really feels like we could sudden flashes of inspiration and big change.


This moon is square Chiron and the North Node in Aries. So it's really leading us towards our collective destiny at the moment and helping us get over ourselves, our fears and all that holds us back in doing so.


I can't under sell how powerful this moon is going to be. We've got lots of other aspects happening I will kind of will try not to bore you with the detail in this quick overview because I could very easily! But overall, this moon is asking us to say exactly what we want out of this year. It is asking us to say exactly what we want out of the next 20 years.  We don’t need to know the how.  We just need to know the why.


This is the time for setting intentions for the year for the next 20 years.

It is so very, very important that we work with this energy and prepare for next year. Because next year is gonna be a little bit challenging I’m not going to lie, but if we get clear on what we want to achieve over the course of this year, by focusing on what we don’t want, we will already be on a easier path.


This moon is a moon to look back over the last four years and how we have changed how we have grown, how we have transformed and what it is that we want. And we really need to set those very, very clear intentions so that we know what we want from our lives and our future.  The intentions can be as simple as focusing on our levels of happiness for example, our levels of wealth.


To be honest, you could already have felt this moon from the Sag New Moon over Christmas, and that’s OK.  IF you have managed to go inwards, you could already be on your way, just expect the unexpected and shocking moments of clarity.


Now is that time for that new beginning.

Journal Questions for this Moon

A few questions you can ask yourself to help you on this journey:

*How much your life has changed since January 2020 and again since last Spring?

*How much have you grown over this time?

*What has changed physically in your life over this time?

*How have you changed emotionally in the last 4 years?

*What have you learned?

*Who do you want to be from that even if you don't know exactly who you want to be just a feeling into the sort of person you'd like to be?


The reason this is so important is that this moon lands on almost the exact degree point of January 2020 with the Saturn Pluto conjunction which took us into lockdown (22 degrees of Capricorn). Saturn the planet of hard lessons is shining it’s golden rays across the chart asking to really understand how we can make the world a better place… and it all starts with us.  The cosmos wants us to be happy and live the dreams we have.  THIS is why we need to review what has gone before to be as clear as we can be about our longterm goals.



This moon is working very closely with the Pluto Cazimi and Pluto moving into Aquarius on the 20th (I will run a work shop on this next week) and is why this moon has implications that could last for the next 20 years.


We don’t need to know the how, we just have to be clear on the why. And once we truly understand what it is that we want to achieve in our lives, how we want to feel, what we want to be doing with our time, we can declare this to the universe, and begin to think about how we can actually make this happen!



That's always a really, really good place to start, just understand how that moon has shaped you because that's going to be really, really good for you to move forward. Saturn is helping us lay the foundations to make those changes that we can all make a difference. And we're going to be needing to make that difference and starting that now so that we can really help next year and help each other help others and really just form those bonds. It's those bonds are going to be very, very important as we move forward. I cannot undersell how important this is for us and we can really if we start working with these energies we can really, really get ahead.

This is a moon of transformation.  This is a year of transformation. So now we just have to have the most amazing fucking time and just absolutely nail it. So, guys, now, let's do this. We can do this. Set those intentions. Feel into those intentions. And chill.

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