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Energy Update for W/C 15th October 2023


This week really does follow on from last week in terms of energy, as I said in last week's blog post, because we had the deep dark murky New Moon in Scorpio which really raised a lot of feelings.

But it’s not just due to this. Mars was – and still is - very active. Feelings of anger, frustration, and an urge to either do something – or nothing at all – would have been strong in the first half of this week, leading to now. Uranus’ involvement meant a few curveballs have been thrown our way, and we could well have felt these more so if we weren’t already working on these areas of our lives… So to say this week has felt extra is a bit of an understatement!

But as we move through the week, things really do start to change. Especially from the 15th where Mercury (the planet of communications) is sextile Venus (the planet of love and abundance). This is going to kind of help us really allow us to receive. It will enable us to really understand our why and be able to vocalize it too.

15th-16th May

The 15th and 16th are good days for really hunkering down and really understanding who you are. And what you're here to do. It's going to it's really going to be a powerful day for messages that can come in, if you can get quiet enough to hear them.

The 15th and 16th of May will really help us move towards ‘something’ and this might be something that you don't quite understand yet. I mean, let's be honest, at the moment, we still have the Sun (our outward persona) and Mars (the planet of war and aggression) in watery emotional Scorpio opposing Uranus (the planet of big shocks and sudden change), so we could still feel have a few shocks to the system coming out as the New Moon continues to play out over the course of this week. But even if we don't know what our why is, what our purpose is, we will likely get an inkling that there's change on the horizon. The energy will lift a little and we will be able to feel it. The big change is coming on Friday which could well feel New Mooney.

Friday 17th

This Friday is probably one of the most powerful days, of this month. It's definitely the most powerful day this week. And I say this because it's another day that we can use to reset our intentions. This could be particularly helpful if we have gained knowledge of an area of our lives the days before that was previously hidden from us (Good old Scorpio Sun).

The reason I say this is because we have the Sun/Mars cazemi. This happens once every 2 years, but it happens in Scorpio only once every 30 years. A cazemi is when a planet moves directly in front of the heart of the Sun. Obviously it doesn't literally go there, but from our vantage point here on Earth it looks like this. Mars wants us to move forward. He is very much at home in Scorpio so he decides to sit on the Sun’s lap and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. They will both be opposing Uranus, but they will be working together in perfect harmony. And we're going to feel really really energized to actually do something. We will likely have a niggle that just won’t go away. And this my friends is your intuition. THIS is the universe trying to get your attention to work on something that is massively in your favour.


What this means is that this is a great day to start taking any action that you want to take. We could get a bit of a rude awakening because it is going to be Trine Neptune, and tells me that your intuition is going to be on fire, so you'll be doing things very much automatically. You may find something coming out of the woodwork that's a bit deep, a little murky. Especially because Scorpio is involved. Or you may have a sudden flash of inspiration that has come from no where. But the fact that Mars is in Scorpio where it's exalted, where it's 100% at home where it's so so happy in the long run.

Also, because Neptune is in the mix at this time, it feels that we are going to be doing something which was really going to be towards being of service. It is really going to be playing into our purpose. We're going to be feeling what our purpose is a lot more over the weekend in the coming weeks, but it's going to really start to fill in from the 17th.

There is something – like a present - attached to the weekend. It is it is something that's good. We are going to see something good come out of this and we're going to also be able to do things very differently. Now, because the 17th is such an important day, on the 17th or up to a day before or after (I say this because we feel the energies of transits 1-2 days before and after the specific date as the world cycles through the cosmos), I would suggest that we really do take the time to sit down and be quiet so that we can meditate and actually listen to what's going on.

We really need to have a think and understand things. Personally, journaling always works best for me so I would suggest meditating/journalling on:

🌟What is our power? How can we actually acknowledge our power?

🌟How do we embody our power?

🌟What can we actually do on a day to day basis to live in our power?

Friday is going be a really, really good day if we allow it. We get through the beginning of the week first so that we can receive and just sit in the trust that we know that something amazing is going to be happening so now is the time for us to really start to do and if we do want to start taking action on anything and make those big changes. Friday would be a great day to start doing that. Even the smallest step, from changing a password on an account or committing it down in writing or sending an email out just to see just because whilst we do that it helps us set those intentions and this is what we are wanting to do this Friday because for every little intention that we set, we are telling the universe that this is what we want so that we can manifest it so let's get manifesting.

And this energy continues over the weekend and late on Saturday, will change slightly remaining well into Sunday. Uranus is still in play throughout the weekend, so we can expect potential moments of clarity on what is being bought to light, or keeping us night earlier on in the week, where we can look back and see the lessons that we are meant to have learnt, thanks to Saturn’s activities.


Moon squares Venus, so relationships and finances will be highlighted. You will likely find yourself more emotionally available to friends, family and also work colleagues, as it is also square Chiron, the wounded healer, this further increases this vibe to help heal others.

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