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Astrology Energy Forecast | the last two weeks of April


The astrology energy of the past couple of weeks has been a lot. What kicked off with the Full Moon Libra eclipse, reminding us where we are staying small and where we should be playing a bigger, leading role for the collective, before the Aries New Moon Eclipse, bought up all the pain that would stop us from being able to say, “I am…”.

Off the back of this, we have had so much collectively… Earthquakes in New York (Umm, hello…?! Since when do they get to experience earthquakes?!) to escalating tensions- Take a look at my blog of Astro Predictions to see what I said about all of this back last October.

With so much happening, least of all the fact that the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction is working with the Full Moon Energies on the 23rd, I thought an energy update for the last two weeks of April pertinent so you can put all of this, and more, into perspective.

The Astrology energy of the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

If you are remotely interested in Astrology or follow my Instagram page, you would have heard about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. 

It will be exact conjunct for about an hour on the 20th of April but its energies will be felt for days, weeks and months around it. 

This conjunction is rare. It generally happens every 13-14 years, but it only happens in Taurus once every 84 years. The last time it happened, was June 1941. But to give you an idea as to what it feels like, look back to 2012 and see what themes were coming up for you then the big changes that likely happened in your life and how they have led to where you are now.

Expect to feel all the feels especially when it comes to uranian energies like freedoms, independence, risk taking and sovereignty… it will feel like a big release. This will be felt doubly so as another point being highlighted by degree points is the Saturn and Pluto conjunction of the 12th of January 2020. The day the world got serious about covid. Saturn moved into Aquarius (the sign of freedom and flight) in March and we went into lockdown the day after – on the 23rd March. What this says to me is that collectively we have learnt our lessons from this and will see us breaking free. 

Any clampdowns on our freedoms, either collectively from Governments, Corporations etc. or individually, from relationships will be highlighted. We want to be free. We want to be the people we want to be.

This conjunction wants us to question every aspect of our lives. The fact that the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is in Taurus says to me that we will likely continue to see things like earthquakes, eruptions etc. News about food sources – weather affecting food supplies, or technologies in agriculture could hit our media sources, along with the farmers increasing their say.

As this exact conjunction is happening when the sun is only at 1* of Taurus indicates that we will still be feeling a lot of the Aries energy mixing with Taurus. This says to me that collectively, we will be very much thinking about how we can lead from the front so that we can build things with strong foundations. It says we want to move things forward. It says we want to be heard… 

This conjunction is still working with the eclipse energies and is very much asking us to question our habits, what we are doing on a day-to-day basis, and how we react to things. It is asking us to be aware of the relationships that are working for us, and those that aren’t. Expect the unexpected over the next few days and weeks. The fact that Mercury, the planet of communication is still retrograde and won’t be station direct until the 25th will show that we may be up in our heads for a lot of this, strategizing and processing.


Mercury, it is worth mentioning now – even though this is a post for April energies, will be conjunct Chiron on the 6th May. 

This process will not only highlight our own unhealed wounds, but it will also make us aware of the collective unheald wounds, so as we enter into May we can expect not just ourselves, but the wider global communities to speak out about any collective wounds that happened. 

Chiron at this time will be conjunct Eris. This dwarf planet is named after the Goddess Eris and is known as Mars’ little sister. She is a warrior who brings chaos to fight injustice. As she stations between Saturn and Uranus, she will be pushing the boundaries highlighting where things aren’t working for us, and where our freedoms are being curtailed. She wants us to go in head first and charge! Uranus, who thrives with change and shock is loving this energy and encouraging it from afar. Together they want us to be heard. 


But that’s not all for Chiron. The Astrology energy of Chiron at the conjunction itself, Venus is conjunct with Chiron and strongly wants us to heal with love, individually and collectively. This feels like pure liberation. You will feel alive, and feel the need to break old patterns – especially any that have been highlighted at the eclipse. If you are feeling more sexy than normal, thank Venus, Jupiter and Chiron… Or get your other half to too!

To see where you can expect big change over the coming weeks, look to see where 21.14* of Taurus falls in your chart. The house that it is in will signal the area of your life that will likely transform.

If you have a lot of fixed energy in your chart, especially any planets or angles at 19-23* of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you can expect to really feel this conjunction. Remember, it isn’t just one day. Start to journal on all that is happening and has happened since mid-March when the planets were coming together to form the conjunction. Come back to it in September when the dust has settled (the conjunction itself is continuing to late June), so you can take stock of the changes. 

Even better, wait a couple of years to fully understand the messages that are coming up now. This is just a starting point!

Again, heading off on a little tangent, it is worth mentioning that Pluto, the planet of death of rebirth, is going to be in a long term square for this year and all of next year, to Homea. The dwarf planet Homea was named after the Hawaiian Goddess who represents fertility and regeneration. Her energy is all about spiritual help and about the community, as she leads an uprising against an authoritarian leader. The fact that this is happening in the freedom sign of Aquarius, which is also about community collaboration and people coming together – Either in the real world or digitally, shows strong themes that the planets want to plat out. Think of a phoenix… Our old worlds will die so we can rise again.

We will see this far more at the Full Moon in Scorpio as secrets will be coming out which is only three days after the conjunction. These energies are bringing together all that has happened over the last couple of years as the eclipse is still very strong at this time.

Astrology Energy of the Full Moon in Scorpio

The full Moon is when the Moon (our emotion and inner self) is opposite the Sun (our outward persona) and is shown completely by the sun, shining a light on all the emotional, dark feelings that hamper you from achieving your dreams. This one is happening at 4.18* of Scorpio, to see where this affects you look to the house where this is contained. This will signify an event or area of your life that is coming to completion at this time, and it is likely to be something that you may not be fully aware of before.

As this is T squaring Pluto, this says to me it is going to be a big Full Moon with big change. I would expect to see more issues of power, control, and secrets emerging. 

It will highlight how we feel about power. As Pluto is in Aquarius, Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio, there is a fixed energy to this moon before.

It will also be showing us any secrets surrounding money. Secrets emerging of money being hidden, criminal money, digital currencies etc.

What is interesting about this is that we are already seeing the Governments trying to control digital currencies by stopping people who do not pass certain tests from investing in them – Which we would expect, but as Pluto has just moved into Aquarius, the power of people could well push back on this. Could we see decentralised microcurrencies in the future? It is possible.

This Full Moon in Scorpio will highlight where we are being manipulated and controlled. So over this moon ask yourself:

🌟Where do you feel there is emotional complexity?

🌟Do you feel areas where manipulation is prevalent?

🌟Are you comfortable with this?

🌟What is holding you back from speaking up?

🌟What does this situation mean for you?

🌟Is there anything that you can do to change this?

🌟If you could change it what would life look like?

These are all areas that will be highlighted at this moon. If you are feeling this intensely at this time, get out, put your feet on the grass and breathe deeply and slowly. The grounding energy will be needed.  

But May will be different altogether. By far the best month of the year… where we begin to rise again.

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