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Astro Predictions


Please note that this is me having fun - as yes, I am that much of an astro geek that I do this for fun. I can only advise as to how a chart reads to me and the areas of life that may be affected, not what is going to actually occur.

Eclipses always bring with them intensity. The energies, are amazing to work with as they can propel us forward to a life we can only dare to dream… Or they can set us spiralling as we stay in the lane doing a safe 30 miles per hour because that is where we are comfortable. They are peak moments of transformation.

To really understand an eclipse you need to know your birth chart. It is also good to know your exact date of birth. And while more often than not, if we are reading charts for events or celebrities, we don’t have the exact times, on occasions we do. Either way, we can look at what we know to predict how things like eclipses may affect people, companies, industries and much more.

But first, the astrology, and to give you some context… From the 12th of October till the 24th of November, we have Mars moving into its ancient sign of rulership Scorpio it's very comfortable in Scorpio. Mars's move is likely to make it loud and proud. Before the 12th of October, it was in Libra where it had to be diplomatic and strategic, everything it didn’t want to do. But in Scorpio, he is unleashed and particularly for digging up secrets digging up secrets on all that is underhand – be it personal ones and on a world scale.

It wouldn’t be surprising to hear of big money secrets coming out (Bernie Ecclestone’s Tax Case is a case on point), criminal money secrets coming to light and more. Anything toxic could come to light now but I am saying financial secrets as this is the last Eclipse we are going to have in a financial sign (Taurus) for eight/nine years.

The Sun and Mercury in Libra opposing each other may make people realize if they've been at all compliant or people-pleasing either personally or in a larger social context. People could realise where they don’t rock the boat, but perhaps will not have that fear to stand up for themselves now. People will want more freedom of expression or freedom of action. More authenticity.

Looking back to the solar eclipse, which was on the 14th of October, the path ran northwest to southeast - across the United States, through kind of Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas. And if we're looking forward, there's a very powerful total solar eclipse next April. April 2024 is likely to be a huge month next year, for various astrological reasons, and that too is going to be running from the northeast to the southwest with the crossing point around/in Texas.


On top of this, America has its Pluto return (the exact degree for the final time this year). This will not occur for another 248 years. Pluto moves at such a glacial pace, that its feelings of death and rebirth will roll on all through next year and possibly beyond. This, coupled with the fact that eclipses act like portals and are very powerful makes this double the intensity for America. While Pluto astrologically speaking, brings death, transformation and rebirth, Eclipses feel a bit like Uranus transits - often bringing wildcard opportunities, shocks surprises, and the changes that are usually permanent, even more so when activated by transiting planets in your chart.

So you see, for America this is huge. America was born on 4th July 1776, 5:10 pm in Philadelphia. The pioneers wanted to break away from the UK so that they had their freedom. They didn’t want to make the huge tax payments to the UK, they felt that they had differing values to the UK. It is important to know this. Pluto was at 27* of Capricorn at this time. Capricorn rules Governments, banking, taxes, and debts. Pluto took America down to the bare bones to rebuild it.

I feel that America will be in the news a lot for the remainder of the year, going through a rebirth of sorts. Potentially, over the coming few years, we could very well see changes to their political system. Information could well come to light that could call the general public to question what they have been told and fight for what they believe in.

But the Pluto return of the US intimates a rebirth of their values and how the people of the United States will move towards this.


Looking at Biden’s birth chart (allebit without his date of birth) and his transiting chart, I feel that he will shortly learn of news relating to this health. It may come to light in the wider population as his natal Uranus, the planet of big shocks which is in Gemini, is squaring his natal South Node (comfort zone) and Saturn, the plant of life lessons in Pisces, the area of the chart that governs health, big pharma and intuition, as well as the Sun in Scorpio. The Sun is who we show up to be and who we are known as in our lives.

Biden also has transiting Pluto squaring the Sun which says to me that this isn’t just going to affect him, but it will affect his presidency as well while aspecting the Moon in Aries, his house of self. The moon represents our inner feelings so this is really going to be hitting home for him.

Further compounding this chart, is his natal Jupiter, the planet of abundance, which is opposing the transiting Pluto, which will be making all that he is going through even bigger... And let’s not forget that Pluto, at the time of America’s birth was at 27* of Capricorn, and here it is now, in Bidens chart 27* 58 minutes, this feels very fated and calls into question what will America do when they learn about this?

His transiting Moon is also squaring up with Taurus, who represents agriculture, money, and the good life, and is squaring his transiting Pluto (death and rebirth) in Leo. Leo is the showman of the zodiac, the entertainer, the famous person, and his transiting Sun Scorpio… can you see where this is going?

Now, don’t forget that Eclipses bring either immediate change or it takes the eclipse shadow for the change to come about. I feel that secrets that Biden is hiding will likely come out at this Full Moon or in the Eclipse shadow that will follow. I say this because of another transit, this time, his natal Mercury (communication) opposing his Uranus. This will be the catalyst of what is to follow. Is it the health matter or something else that is being hidden? We can’t tell that from the chart as we don’t have the time of birth of Biden, but something looks like it will come out of the woodwork, that will necessitate big action judging from Jupiter opposing Mars (the planet of action).

But I don’t believe it is only America that we will be hearing a lot about in the news over the coming week or so.

Other note-worthy countries

This upcoming lunar eclipse, which is angular on the midheaven, running through Vancouver, Canada suggests to me that Canada could well see pivotal change too. As Eclipses bring endings and beginnings and Pluto is in Capricorn which represents Government, is it possible that we will see a change in Government?

The Eclipse also runs on the midheaven again moving through Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia, suggesting some kind of possible change in leadership or government decision which will have implications on their larger population.

Stock Markets

I feel that we are in a turbulent time for the stock markets as the moon is square to Uranus in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and represents banking, currencies, stock markets, and money over the next few months. I say this as it takes Uranus 84 year to circle the universe. Also, if we look back to the chart for the stock market crash, the midheaven is at 29* of Capricorn which is exactly where Pluto is moving into over the next few months. This isn't to say that there will be a stock market crash - I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable saying this, but I do feel comfortable saying there is high potential for turbulence. Astrology can only use past events to highlight areas where events will take place so from this we can deduce that banking and finance will be a bit rocky for a while.

Taurus also represents agriculture and food abundance. It is also possible that this will be highlighted at this time. Food shortages of something like wheat could have huge implications for the stock markets too.

Ultimately though, the fact that this next Eclipse is happening in Taurus, linked to our security, means we may all feel untethered at this upcoming Full Moon Solar Eclipse. Now more than ever is the time to drown out the noise and really focus on all that is in your control, so taking time to get out in nature and ground down is important. It is time to keep your vibe high. Now and over the coming months, this will be increasingly important. And lets not forget, for us to manifest we need to vibe high, so it is doubly worth putting time into this!

Also, a heads up for this Full Moon Solar Eclipse, this is going to be a great Full Moon for us. It has so much supportive energy that we can all work with, just take the time this week to deep dive in on all the low energy frequencies that are coming up so you can make the most of the massive transformational energies!

To find out how you can work through the energies of the moon, join our Moon Mentor Membership for only £16 per month. For more details click here.

Please note that this is me having fun - as yes, I am that much of an astro geek that I do this for fun. I cannot predict the future per se, but I can advice as to how a chart reads to me and the areas of life that may be affected.

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